Being sad is what everything revolves around in my life at the moment.
Don't even want to be typing right now, but I have to get it out somehow.
Everything I'm doing seems pointless. I already want to give up. Without you next to me, I feel nothing. Not accomplished, not proud, not excited, not anything at all.
I don't want to sit here. I don't know where I want to be or what I want to do. I don't want to eat. Can't sleep worth shit. Finally slept in a bed two nights ago, and it was awful.
I just kind of float around, and don't really try that hard to find something to do. Its so quiet, all of the time.
I think and dig myself deeper into the isolation I can't see myself getting out of anytime soon.
I'm finishing school right now. Mom tells me she is proud of me. I believe that she is, but I feel nothing toward it myself.
Sleeping and living out of my car still. I don't mind it, its better than where I was before.
I have slept at my mothers the last two nights, but I'm going back to sleeping in my car now. I feel like that is where I belong. And, I don't want to be around anyone anways.
I will fix everything myself, even though it would have been nice to have you with me. After school, I'm dissapearing. I feel like there is nothing left here. Then again, it makes me sad to think about it. In the long run, I think it will be best. But I know thats not how I will feel for a while.
I love you, and I'm sorry.