Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The beginning.

2 doctors appts. in a couple days.

went to see dad on impulse. he wasn't there. he called me back after a while. I've seen him a
couple times now. I'm hoping he wants to be in my new life.

list of odd things to do with Britany. keeping us occupied.

stress at home. trying hard to not give up. i love my family.

Alex taught me how to skip rocks. He gave me permission to call him my "step brother".

Sometime soon we will be moving in with Jason and Alex. I'm more excited than anything. I know it wont be easy, but I think it will be good for all of us. I will most likely be changing schools. Mom says it will be a good "fresh start".

yard sale soon. Britanys graduation. nose pierced. doing things off of our list.

you. you're out of my life because you want to be. you were one of the people that never gave up on me, until now. thats something I will have to deal with. I hope you're doing well.

I want to change myself. On the inside, and the outside. I'm working on both, but not as hard as I could be. I want to prove to them and to myself that I can do it.

trying to do more with my brother. I was so blind before. I'm going to make it better now.